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Old 08-21-2009, 04:09 AM
Yarn or Fabric
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I am retentive about having straight lines and if I waver a little bit and can see my stitching it irritates the daylights out of me! I know I am too critical of my sewing and I know I'm still new to quilting but it just gets me all sad when I see those lines not where they're suppose to be!

So I don't ditch it at all - okay, if I can help it I don't do it and when I have to I'm just frustrated. I saw the ditch foot on one of the quilting shows and I must have looked like a deer caught in headlights with my jaw gaping open. My oldest son asked me if I was okay and I was like it's a really cool sewing machine foot and he just kind of rolled his eyes and walked away :lol: Yeah, and he's only 8 and already knows his mom is in deep!

I will say I just made friends with my quilting guide arm thingermabobber and am also in love. wow that is sweet!!
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