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Old 01-31-2012, 05:32 AM
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thevintageseamstress's Avatar
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Location: NE Indiana
Posts: 114

You remember the story of one bad apple spoils the whole barrell, well that is the problem. This is why the throwing stuff out became normal because rotten apple people worked the system one too many times, making things they wanted some of the things the store was dumping. So stores made it policy to destroy the stuff they were dumping or at least they are supposed too. Patterns are supposed to be destroyed before pitched and they throw them away big time. We ruin it our own selves by being greedy and dishonest. The store had to come up with ways to combat this kind of behavior. Most of the larger Joann's have enclosed the trash where it can not be gotten into from behind the stores, I have noticed more and more stores are doing this since dumpster diving is quite common...
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