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Old 01-31-2012, 06:22 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Bosque County, Texas
Posts: 2,709

My GD had this problem and the issue was Celiac Disease. She is SUPER sensitive to gluten. We had her on a usual gluten free diet, but had to go to a picky, picky diet where nothing at all touched her if it might have gluten, including school paste, crayons, toothpaste, etc. We called companies to check on their processing procedures, etc. One tiny exposure such as using soap for a bath that has gluten in it - think bubble bath liquid- would take up to 2 weeks to get out of her system. Because of the Celiac Disease her body gave her no warning she was about to poop. She was so embarrassed when it happened, and before the problem was solved the public schools had told us they couldn't admit her the next year! That would have been her first grade. The doctors didn't tell her father to get extra vigilant, he did it on his own. In fact the doctors had never seen a child that sensitive to gluten.

Last edited by TanyaL; 01-31-2012 at 06:32 AM.
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