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Old 01-31-2012, 06:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Prism99 View Post
I agree that this is abuse and that DGS should be protected from it.

On a different note, I know of the case of a 6yo girl with this problem. Her mother had taken her to physicians for two years without results. Finally, in exasperation, she took the child to an older, experienced chiropractor. After one session, the girl was better. It took only half a dozen sessions before the problem was permanently gone. The mother was so grateful she wrote up the experience for the doctor's 3-ring binder (which I paged through in the waiting room). I have been unable to find anything about this treatment by Googling, but it might be worth a few phone calls. My understanding is that the nerves were not relaying enough sensory information for the child to know when to get to the bathroom, and the chiropractic treatment re-aligned something. This would not be a problem specifically for one gender or another.
I wasn't going to weigh into this subject since it's such a hot topic until I saw your post. My grandson had a problem from the time he was born where any BM caused him extreme pain; we tried everything, the doctors, diet, laxatives nothing worked. It got so bad that he'd hold his legs together to try and make it not happen because he knew the paint that was coming. At that same time I was going to a chiropractor for my back. Not one that caused you lots of pain but one that used one of those machines that ran down your back to get it back into alignment. He taught me about how the spine works with all of your nervous system and the different parts that we never think about it affecting. My grandson was around 1 1/2 then and I had him to do a scan on him and I had never told him the problems that my grandson had. The scan showed that my GS had issues with his sinuses and his intestinal track. These were the only two problems my GS only had. He did an adjustment and that afternoon my GS had two BM while running around playing and I didn't even know it. I had him adjusted a couple of more times but he's now almost 6 and all is right with the world. Potty training is a tough thing in my family of mostly boys but this little boy did really well. I learned all children need to be checked. Think about what their bodies go thru just going thru the birthing process. What have you go to lose. Maybe this other boy can't feel the sensation of when he's got to go. In most children the BM is normally the easiest thing to get them to train from.
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