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Old 02-01-2012, 05:47 AM
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 44

I say let him try a small sampler and see how he likes it. I'm one of those guys that likes to try different things. I get bored pretty easily so I just do something else for a while and then come back to the other after a while.

My wife and I took a beginners quilting class about 10 years ago. We then seperately took a block of the month class and I was the only guy in my group...didn't bother me at all. wife does NOT like to share her toys with anyone so she has her sewing room and I have mine. She was using a 30 year old Singer until I bought my new Bernina 153 QE and now she has one. She doesn't quilt anymore because she is into knitting.

I retired 6 months ago and now my goal is to do all the quilting and woodworking I can. I've made 3 quilts in that 6 months. As my wife says I also have my MANLY hobbies.....I have a bass boat, camp, I travel on my motorcycle towing my camper, I do woodwork where I make dulcimers and autoharps....I DON'T PLAN on getting bored.

This was a long way to say TEACH HIM IF HE'S INTERESTED. Set him up his own room and go slow to see if he's serious with it.

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