Old 02-03-2012, 03:42 AM
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: living in Hampton Roads area (Chesapeake, VA) originally from S Beloit, IL
Posts: 34
Default Store Fixtures

Look up "store fixtures or store displays" we have a local store that supplies the retail market in our area. I have been able to go in and buy whatever I need to display items in my new collection of sewing/quility vintage items. The hooks, holders, hanging tabs, acrylic displays, etc. I also have about 900+ set of S&P shakers on display. With this mild winter, I have been able to open up the guest room windows and work on creating one corner of my sewing santuary at a time. I am considering putting up the white/slatboard walls next.

Originally Posted by sweet View Post
I finally got a nice size 4x6 piece of white pegboard hanging in my 'room'. Now the search is on for all of the correct size gadget-dolittle-thing-a-ma-bobs. Of course, a trip to ace hardware....in the rain...no problem as I am on a mission! Now they only had some of this and some of that. So I spent too much on that and this. I'm talking about those little hanger push in metal do higgies. Ya know, those things your hubbies hoard and cherish!
So after much moola speant, I am still finding space on my new big white super dooper hanger pegboard thingy. Alas, I a running short on those little metal creatures and am devising a way to get much more online. There is something strange in some of those packets, I must warn y'all. They are small and black and look like little BATS! I guess they are suppose to permanently hold the metal thingys to their proper perspective holes. But I am only at the beginning of my organizational journey and want nothing to to with those batty things, I even refuse to read their directions. They are captured in a ziplock bag and now are hanging on their own little metal do-jobber, encased in an airtight prison, until called out for duty.
So, has anyone else been through this fun dilemma? Any and all advice is welcomed! (not bat jokes, please...lol)
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