Thread: Please Help!!!
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Old 02-05-2012, 08:34 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Central, California
Posts: 450

WOW, I wish I lived closer, I recently purchased fabric from a retiring quilter on Craigslist, she grouped the fabrics in color stacks, you know, red tones, green tones etc. then she offered them for about $2.00 a yard, so she put them in 10 to 25 yard stacks and bundled them with ribbon and a short box, then wrapped them in plastic type wrap. You m9ght check with your local guild or maybe with your local quilt shop to see if they know of some quilters who might want to help you get it organized, if all else fails, do as I have been doing, pick get several different boxes, label them, Keep, sale and donate, then pick a stack to go through each time you have a moment and pile it on a table and start getting it in order, good luck, if I lived closer I would offer to come over to help, and probably end up buying fabric from you
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