Old 02-07-2012, 08:32 AM
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Default Things I have learned already this week, and it's only Tuesday!!

I've been going at it trying to finish the Marine Memories Quilt. I'm ready to trim the edges and put the binding on!
Had a little problem sewing tho, LOL, my new machine was possessed by a phantom stitcher and had started sewing on it's own. It's a little wierd that I could take my foot off the pedal and it would just keep on sewing. Sometimes, I might be cutting some fabric, or picking out a seam, nowhere near the foot pedal and the machine would just suddenly start sewing. DH is going to check the pedal out and see if there is anything he can see that might be causing it there. It's a little dangerous since I can be sewing slow and carefully and it will suddenly jump into high and fast and I have to turn the machine off to get it to stop.
My machine is all better now, DH did a special ceremony (called cleaning the foot pedal) and cast out the overeager spirits. It's working fine now. I didn't know a footpedal could need cleaning. LOL I swear my floor is not that dirty, especially in my sewing room where the dog rarely goes.

So this is the first thing I have learned:
When you are cleaning your machine, or having it cleaned, check out the foot pedal, too.
Second thing:
I learned a new thing about my machine. Kind of a "duh" moment. LOL I have a button to stop and start the decorative stitches and it locks the end. You may have noticed all the backstitching all over my quilting. Here comes the DUH part. I wondered since it works on the fancy stitches if it would work on the plain stitch and guess what? Yes it does!!!!!!!!!! So no more ugly backstitching on my quilt tops ever again. This makes me soooooo happy. I just love it!!!!
Huggggs and smiles and happy quilting all.
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