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Old 02-07-2012, 09:10 AM
shayzamn's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Fort Worth, TX, USA
Posts: 37
Default Frustration Here and Gone

Working on my second quilt of the year - all in various browns, in a pattern I designed myself. (Because I'm a glutton for punishment that way). It's a tesselated pattern, and quite nice. HOWEVER. This quilt has fought me every. step. of. the. way. Every one. First it wasn't as big as I'd expected, so I had to make more tesselations and attach them. I can see the awkward seams, and it displeases me somewhat. Then the border took forever to lay out because the silly quilt is is no way square (not that I expected it to be!). Then I miscalculated for the backing material and didn't get enough, so I had to piece a strip to go up the middle. It looks fine, but it was frustrating nonetheless. It took forever to get it onto my frame, but it's there now.

BUT. All of that is left behind now, because I had a friend say "Oh, I've been asking another friend FOREVER to teach me to quilt, and they won't. They say it takes forever!" I said "Eh, maybe to get expert at it, but there's no time like now to learn." I took her out to the studio, gave her fabric and lesson - a simple nine-patch. Showed her the steps. Gave her reference stuff. Watched her piece together a nine-patch on my machine, telling her she was doing it right, yes, it really can be that easy. Watched her put batting, backing and top together and stitch in the ditch. Taught her to bind. She is overjoyed with her finished piece, and it's given her the confidence to go forth and make her own quilts.

Frustration with my quilt can go jump in a lake. I taught someone to quilt, and she is enjoying it.
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