Old 02-10-2012, 07:06 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Cadillac, MI
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Cindy, my FQ is on my cutting table. I haven't remembered to take it with me this week and now my car has a flat tire. I haven't seen a totally flat tire in years. I'll get the FQ out sometime this weekend. I think my mindset is mailed by the 10th, which I need to change.

I typed a long post last night and it disappeared.

Xylie, I'm sorry to hear of your problems. You and your husband have had a rough year. I will add my prayers ro others that it will you will regain your health and your strength. Please continue to post - we need you.

I can't find the Women's World magazine with the article about feasting every five days. You can Google 'Joel Marion' and ignore the references to weight lifting to get the science behind the theory. He uses foods like pizza and ice cream as feast food once a week to reset the gherlin levels and take the body out of starvation mode. I've read it on Dr Oz's web site and today's show will be on the subject from the looks of the promos. I think it takes an extra 500 calories, but I'll check it out now that my quilts are under control.

The Spicy Spiral runner for the Cystic Fibrosis auction has been delivered. It will have a minimum price of $60. It's nice when your work is appreciated. The flannel quilt for the shelter auction has moved on to the person who will do the binding. The FMQ is finished. Woohoo! And my machine is delinted and ready to get back to my daughter's quilt.

I am so happy I get to stay home today, though I do have GSs to transport this evening. If my mechanic doesn't show up, I'll have to drive my daughter's car. It's icy and slippery so I'd rather have my own car, but whatever. Years ago, I had serious agoraphobia. I made myself recover because I couldn't stand how it was impacting my daughters' lives. I still am happier at home and away from crowds so weeks like this one are hard.

Laundry is started and I can't vacuum until I need to stop listening for a truck, so I may as well go quilt. Whoops, I have to fold clothes first. Not a favorite job, but the rocker my grandparents brought from Ireland doesn't deserve to be buried in clothes. Oh, and clean off the cutting table. The Spicy Spiral leaves some strange scraps. I may need to make crazy quilt potholders for the church bazaar.

I am losing weight and becoming healthier.
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