Thread: Appendectomy
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Old 02-12-2012, 04:02 PM
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Join Date: May 2008
Location: Columbus, Ohio
Posts: 521

I think she'll be fine to go back to school in a couple days. Sitting in class and studying won't impede recovery and give her something to do rather than concentrate on every little ache and pain. The most strenuous thing she's going to do is walk to class, which helps to get the gas out and muscles moving. Her doctor might have her avoid alot of stairs. I think maybe she shouldn't drive for a week, but her doctor will give her plenty of instructions. She'd probably be under more stress if she had to miss alot of classes and worry about catching up. ruptured appendix can be very serious and she's lucky to be fairing so well. I wouldn't wait any longer than necessary to remove it. I'm a little suprised that it didn't get removed when it ruptured. The only laproscopic surgery I've had was when I had my tubes tied many many years ago, but I remember hiking to the top of a baseball stadium 2 days later with very little discomfort and only missing one day of work. My best friend had the new robotic hysterectomy last year and was in the hospital less than 24 hours and wanted to stop for lunch on the way home!!! Way different than what my experience had been 15 years earlier! I think she'll be fine, maybe a little slow for a few days, but OK
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