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Old 02-14-2012, 07:48 AM
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Join Date: May 2008
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I just practiced some FMQ the other day and I'm with you. There are some incredibly talented machine quilters out there, but I'm not one of them....even with practice I'm not sure I'll ever have a machine masterpiece because I'm really a hand quilter....albeit slow, it works for me.

Since slow as a snail works for my hand quilting, I thought slowing my machine down a bit might make my stitches look a tad more acceptable....and it did! To my surprise, slowing down made a huge difference. idk about your machine, but I have a range switch that controls my speed {since I'm pedal to the metal super fast most of the time, it was set on the highest speed} so I switched it up to a turtle's pace....seriously, it's turtle & the hare icons on there!! Massive improvement. I may get this yet & I'm sure you will too. Hang in there!! Practice a bit every week & you'll be there in no time.
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