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Old 02-15-2012, 05:50 PM
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Default Goals for a new year

I came across this in my archives in my file cabinet. Thought some of you might enjoy it...hope it's not too long to post.

*Vow to spend at least 15 minutes a day in your sewing room, even if you just spend the time looking thru your fabrics.
*Spend at least a small amount of time quilting three times a week.
*Choose at least one unfinished project to complete.
*Make a charity quilt.
*Create a quilt entirely from your stash.
*Join a guild or a quilting group.
*Take a quilt class.
*Buy at least one fabric that you love, no matter if it doesn't go with anything else you already have.
*Try making blocks with a color you haven't used before.
*Let a child choose a fabric for you and sew with him or her.
*Trade fabrics with a friend for new inspiration.
*Try your hand at something new- a different applique' technique, hand piecing, machine quilting, trapunto....etc.
*Make a quilt for yourself and keep it.
*Make a quilt for a friend or a group of friends.
*Enter one of you quilts in a show.
*Make an art quilt.
*Start doodling in a sketchbook and keep your drawings...including the bad ones.

Once you ahve dreamed a little, it's time to write down your goals. This is the hard part, because our perfectionist temdencies may try to take over. If you are new at this, write your goals in pencil. You goals are your own and need not be chisled in stone; you are free to change, update, de;ete, and alter them as needed. The only rule for this process is that you must actually write down what you want to accomplish. Seeing your goals in writing will make them real. A list will also give you direction when you feel overwhelmed with choices and decisions.
Remember, don't make this complicated. Keep it simple. Enjoy the process and embrace your creativity.
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