Old 02-16-2012, 12:47 PM
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Location: Long Island, NY
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Originally Posted by brenda21 View Post
K~Yours is awesome as well...let me tell you....had to chase her all over the house to get a picture...she thought I was trying to steal it...and of course the one that turns out the best shows how dirty my rug and floor are
Hahaha! Same with my new shoes. All linty with threads and a couple of dog hairs here and there.
I have to add another reason why I'm not crazy about the new "employee" -- I asked her if she was OK with dogs. I said the little one (my Miss Daisy) barks a lot, but I'd give her a treat to give her and she'd go away. WELL, this lady brought her own treats. I do NOT like that because Feeney is sensitive to some treats and throws up! I said as much. Did that stop her? Nope. And she kept chasing Daisy around. My little girl is a rescue and was very fearful when we got her. Chasing her around does not help matters. THEN she had the audacity to tell me how to train her! Excuse me??? How can I train YOU to leave her alone!
While I'm venting ... we were working out per piece prices and she said, well, what do you charge for them? Ahem. None of your beeswax lady. I just said, very calmly, "That's irrelevant." She kept digging to find out where I bought my lace. Online? Here? There? I kept dodging and finally said, "It took me ten years to develop my sources. That is not something I share." Did she get the point? NO. She asked again. I just ignored her.

OK. Done with my rant-o-rama.
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