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Old 02-17-2012, 07:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Sophie2 View Post
When you do quilt designs on quilts that you hoop, do you use stablizer next to the machine bed like you do with regular embroidery? I am new to using the em unit on my Topaz 30 and love what I have done. I did one quilt but wasn't sure about the stablizer. I used a stablizer that washs out, but haven't actually finished it yet to wash it to see if the stablizer does actually wash out. Thanks. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this thread!!!!!
I have a Brother 2500D. It usually doesn't like to embroider anything without really good stablizing.
I use bolts of the wash away type. If I don't want to wash, I get rid of it with the water sprayer I keep by my iron. That leaves your fabric with a light starched finish - but when you actually do wash, it will all come out. You can test your stablizer by putting a piece of it in a bowl of water and watching it dissolve.

Last edited by TanyaL; 02-17-2012 at 07:33 AM.
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