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Old 02-19-2012, 08:23 PM
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Posts: 416

My hubby is a hoarder! Every little space is filled with his stuff to the point that MY stuff is everywhere in the house. I have a 24 x 24 foot shed and if I put anything in it my hubby puts something on top of on in front of it. Our closet is full of HIS stuff so My stuff is on the floor in front of my dresser! No room in the inn. I grew up in a house with two parents and an older brother that was only 26 x 26 foot! But my mother didn't have any hobbies either. I need a shed of my own for my quilting and all my hobby stuff so I will be able to find it so I can use it with a lock on the door and me having the only key. I need to reclaim my house so when we have company it doesn't take me a week to find the bed in the spare room.
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