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Old 02-25-2012, 05:26 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 446

We had one under our house a few years ago. Pest Control wanted almost $300 to get rid of it and me, thinking of all the fabric $300 would buy, searched the internet for a way to de-skunk my house. Here's what I came up with -- First, soak some rags with amonia and place them under the house, (they hate the smell), next shine a light under the house (they don't like it light), then make a walkway with flour or some white powdery substance so you can tell by his foot prints when he leaves. After about 3 days, ours left (we could tell by the footprints) and we blocked the hole where he was getting under the house. NO more skunk!! (And $300 for fabric - It was a win/win situation for me!)
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