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Old 02-25-2012, 06:37 AM
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Join Date: Apr 2011
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An interesting discussion!

I've been taught and trained and read and... and ... and .... on how to do borders.
Sometimes I do a magnificent job and they are flat and smooth
... then when I least expect it, I have waves. UGH!!!
I have the know-how, but obviously something is missing .... or hasn't sunk in!!!
So that'd be my #1 Magic Wand personal request, Holice!

JanRN, your request is not a silly one, not at all! You at least see the problem and know the implications ... many others just say ho-hum, let's just motor on, and who cares? then they wonder whatever could have gone wrong!

Holice, from my perspective, I often see the difference between well done and not so well, being the difference in attention to detail (or not!). I won't say I have that totally mastered, but I can be pretty persnickety, heading towards anal at times! I learned from a heavy task-master (my Mother), and many times had to unsew til it was perfectly straight and even and squared and lined up and all! Often times it haunts me ... and wonder if she would be pleased with my sewing today? Or not have interest in my quilts? Or would continue to find the least imperfection possible?

So .... some of the things I have observed that seem challenging to some and perhaps would be on your basics list ... "perfected" 1/4" seams, straight seams without dog legs at the beginning or the end, measure 3 times cut once, accuracy, accuracy, accuracy!!!!!!

Oh there's so much more ... and the continuing discussion will be most interesting to follow!!!

Last edited by QuiltE; 02-25-2012 at 06:41 AM.
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