Old 02-27-2012, 12:50 PM
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Unhappy When to say NO to Seam Ripping??? Oh if only I could!

I wish I could look the other way. I wish I had done all the math before I started. I wish I hadn't used that cursed So Fine poly thread which is unbelievably strong and virtually invisible.

The long sad story...I am racing to complete a quilt for my son before he comes home in two weeks. Here's the pattern: Third Time Around (ironically!!!) http://www.hancocks-paducah.com/Item--i-AQD-P072

I misread "square the right-triangle units to 10 1/4" inches on a side" and I squared them to 10 1/2". I did NOT do the math to check that 10 1/2" on a side results in 14 3/4" on the hypotenuse. I sewed up 48 7" square units into 12 13 1/2" squares, put them on point, and sewed a triangle unit to each side to make 2 big squares. The twelve big squares all came out to 19 1/2" which by my calcs was correct. Of course, I was overjoyed at my careful cutting, sewing and piecing esp. on triangles. Pride goeth before a fall and a haughty spirit before destruction.

So I started joining the big squares together and now I notice that the points on the 13 1/2" on-point squares are mysteriously far from where they should be. They don't touch. So, thinking I could cure this little snafu, I just sewed the joining seam wider, but now my quilt looks a little odd because the outside rings of the triangle and the outside of the squares are too thin. Noticably thin.

I now have to UNSEW two big blocks, then unsew 48????@##$$%%^^%&*$^@%@ triangles, retrim the triangles by 1/8" on each side and then resew them all on.

I guess I can take my machine back to the shop to get the repair finished that they forgot to do last week because I won't be using it

Here's a pic of a piece of the cursed block. I don't have the piece ofthe opined fabric but you can imagine there the points fell if I joined that block to another one. Ugh. (Yes the fabrics are goofy because it is all of the things my son likes - his music, coffee, ducks in the pond, his dog, his favorite brown-bottle beer, some of which stuff I photo-printed, so it is all a labor of love and took forever to collect the fabric...)

Must I rip? How long will it take to rip about 760 inches of tiny stitches? Will I be sane when I finish?

Commiserations and horror stories about ripping are greatly appreciated. Misery loves company.
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