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Old 02-29-2012, 11:53 AM
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Location: NE Connecticut
Posts: 129

Yippee!! We have our names for the swap!! I have my quilt ready to try fmg-ing on one of my two new Japanese machines. One looks like it will be a good candidate. It has a foot that looks like it might be meant for quilting. Have never seen a foot like it. If it works oon the doll quilt, will use it on the companion lap quilt.
I have a back-up quilt in case the quilting doesn't pan out. May give it a try tonight as we have a snowstorm here tonight and the book club meeting was cancelled. We haven't had more than a few inches of snow at one time all this winter so everyone is in a panic. And so glad we have some input for April. Am planning already for that. If I can get cracking may make two!! What fllun!!
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