Thread: Birthdays
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Old 08-27-2009, 09:31 PM
Power Poster
Join Date: Jul 2009
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When my dear sis turned the Big 5-0 she sent me a sympathy card cuz now my little sister was 50!!
On 9-9-09 (her BD) I'm planning on sending her 9 quilted bd gifts--trying to do variations of a 9 patch--just little things pot holders; a pin; a pincushion you get the drift. gotta get sewing.
My DH and I have the same BD and on 12-12-12 we turn 60; and 60 + 60 is 120--hmm is 12 our lucky # (Do you think sis will send me 12 quilted projects then?)
Hey this has been so fun to read! I think it was Barbra Bush who said--"but I'm young and thin on the inside!" Ditto.
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