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Old 08-28-2009, 07:40 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 212

Originally Posted by amandasgramma
I live in the country, too...and I have sympathy for your neighbor!!! Sorry, but you should NOT let you dog bark every time you're there! Our neighbors let their dogs bark...apparently it doesn't bother them. We get irritated, too, and quite frankly, I've considered doing exactly what your neighbor did. When we have company they ask us how we can stand it. One day the neighbor asked me if the dogs bothered me and I said yes. Since then they've kept them under control. Your dogs could be barking at a rabbit, chipmunk or a bear or intruders. They need to be taught to bark ONLY when something is trying to enter your home (I know - hard to do). If a bear is on your property and intent on doing damage, your dog's barking will not stop the bear, but only make it angry and possibly cause it to hurt your dog.

So have consideration for the neighbor, apologize to her for your dog and she may apologize for her actions, keep your dog under control and your time in the weekend place will go back to being enjoyable.
I'm in total agreement with you. We've had a neighbour dog bark for over 2 hours straight and this happened often. One of the other neighbours dealt with it and it's been quiet since - once the dog barks it's quieted now. Some pet owners just don't get it that they must be responsible owners - not everyone is in love with neighbours' pets mess they leave behind or the noise. A lot of folks believe it's always the one complaining that's the nasty, horrid neighbours - NOT.
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