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Old 03-05-2012, 02:51 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Pine cone and tassel state
Posts: 978

Hm, good question.

I enjoy seeing the fabulous creations that other people do. I am always amazed. But truly, I don't get my inspiration from quilt shows. My iinspiration comes when one of our two adult daughters says "Mom, would you make me a new snuggle quilt, please?"

When I walk into their homes and I see the quilts laying around, I know they are being used and for me, that is what this is about and why I do it. And if one of their cats happened to be snuggled up in the quilt, why, that just makes it home.

I don't tend to buy much from the local annual show. Many of the vendors are from 'away' and I always try to support my lqs and a couple of shops that aren't so local but have terrific sales corners.

Go, have a good time by giving yourself permission to make this about the people you love and not about the consumer end of it.

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