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Old 03-07-2012, 04:33 AM
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My local quilting partner in crime is a "binding snob" I love her dearly and don't mind her comments at all.. I just blow raspberries at her when she harasses me! She loves handwork and I have never seen a more lovely invisible appliqué stitch then the one she lays down. She's as fast as a spider spinning a web too. She can hand sew down a queen sized binding in two nights and she loves every stitch. Not me... I do it occasionally...but...we differ on binding theory. When I'm making a quilt for the fair I most definitely machine sew to the front and hand stitch down the back. However, ... when I'm making a quilt for the grand kids or a table runner....anything that I feel will get machine washed frequently I machine stitch the entire binding on. I get them on straight and my corners are I'm happy with that. To echo auntpiggylpn - I also have an old neck injury from a truck wreck back in 1980 and it gets to screaaaaaaaaaaming at me if I do too much handwork where I'm looking at anything like a Robin spies a worm. OUCHIE..

You just have to do what's right for you. Don't let anyone make you feel badly about it... variety makes the world go round. How boring life would be if we ALL did everything the same way.
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