Old 03-07-2012, 07:41 AM
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Colorado
Posts: 3,536

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to let you know I am doing alright, the aches from
my fall out of the tub is finally going away, but I have been real
busy at work.

I did go out shopping on Saturday (after the fall) and bought way
more fabric than I should have (or needed). But I am sure I got
some fabrics that my sp's are going to like (or at least I hope they do).

So with the shopping done I am trying to go through my "swap" goodies
bins for more misc. goodies to add to the sp boxes. I will have my boxes
ready to go out in the mail by Monday or Tuesday (next week at the LATEST).
__________________________________________________ __

Now for a little off topic update about me.

I don't know if I mentioned it or not but that part-time job I had
started did not even last 2 weeks, (not loss there it was a horrible
job). A couple days after that job ended I got a call from the company
that had laid me off 3 years ago. It had been sold and the new owner
needed someone who knew the software program and would not
need a lot of training (just some brush up for me).

With this job for the most part I am working 8 hours a day sometimes
I get 5 days a week sometimes only 3, its fine with me though its work
and some money coming in.

But working like this has cut into my sewing time and my lazy, casual
internet surfing time, this is why you have not seen much "chatter"
from me lately.

More to come at a later date (maybe today).

Have a great day everyone!
Quilty-Louise is offline