Old 03-07-2012, 10:42 AM
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Colorado
Posts: 3,536

Yep I know what you mean about the Colorado weather.
I need to win a HUGE lottery so I can become a snowbird!
no I am not a fan of cold weather.


Poor doggy

Originally Posted by Rita's mom View Post
My package went out today and is heading south west of me. Her zip is a biggy it adds up to 26!

I had to send it with my daughter to mail because my other daughter made my dog go do chores with her at 11:30 last night and guess what she found??? Yep.... I feel sorry for my dog, a tomatoe juice bath in the yard with the cold hose and a storm coming in was not a nice experience. She still reeked this morning ( so did her kennel and my kitchen!) I don't have the heart to make her take a bath outside again so I got some skunk smell remover that has to be sprayed on and sit for 20 minutes then she can have another bath. Hopefully this works and I don't end up with a bathroom that smells as bad as she does! LOL Yesterday it was 74 degrees here today it is 30, why couldn't this happen on a warmer day. Well on a lighter note, this is one way to motivate you to want to clean your whole house! And on a mean note the daughter who just HAD to take her out last night has an interview today. I hope she smells better than my dog does! Tee Hee! Off to the shower......
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