Old 03-07-2012, 11:46 AM
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Posts: 503

Yeah, just because its not listed as a side effect...it doesn't mean it can't happen.

Originally Posted by Moedeenie View Post
Juli, I know your frustration all too well. About a year ago, I acquired Bells Palsy and upon diagnosis, I came home and did a google search to get a little insight about this condition. All I typed in the google search box was "Bells Palsy", and one of the first threads read "Bells Palsy and Zetia", well coincidently, just two weeks before I had started taking Zetia for High Cholesterol. I immediately brought this to my physician's attention and he was adament that it was not from the medication. I then did some research on Zetia and although Bells Palsy is not a listed side effect, muscle pain and weakness are and in my instance, this medication caused not only weakness, but paralysis of the muscles on the left side of my face. I decided it was time to change physicians and my meds were changed. Thankfully, the paralysis subsided although I continue to have residual visual problems and nerve damage. For the life of me, I cannot understand why some physicians refuse to acknowledge that what is effective for some is problematic for others...and that some medications can and do cause more problems than the very condition we are prescribed medication for. It is so frustrating! Best of Luck to you Juli!
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