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Old 03-07-2012, 02:37 PM
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Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Montana
Posts: 174

I agree with the whole hand work thing. I have not gotten good enough on the binding to do the front by top stich but I am working on it. I also think that the stress put on the binding when the quilt is being used is so much better handled by the machine stiching (but that is just me)
As far as quilitng police vs quilting snobs. A police officer should have a set of rules (laws) that should be followed at all times. From what I have read and heard there is no set of rules that MUST be followed at all times. I don't know about you, but at my age (old enought to know better but still young enough to try again) I find that there are just some rules that must be customized to my own life (expecially in quilting) My ONLY two concerns is that I only give quilts to people who will use them and I make them the way (and colors) that I want to make me happy. Quilting snobs are those who seem to have more fun passing judgement on the works of others than than passing the muchie plate when they get together with others to learn new things about every subject under the sun (a lot of which is sewing related if I can manage it) They should just lighten up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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