Thread: coconut oil
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Old 03-07-2012, 03:31 PM
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The research I have read (I am in the medical field) indicated to purchase only the organic extra virgin coconut oil. It does NOT contribute to heart disease and has even been shown to help clean the arteries. Others are heat treated or hydrogenated (Lou Ana) which is NOT what you want! It is a medium chain triglyceride in its natural state but different companies process and treat it differently and that changes its beneficial properties. I have severe restless leg syndrome. The doctor has me on a medication for Parkinson's which has helped but in the evening and at night it would still kick in. Since I have started using the coconut oil (and I am still taking the RX also) I have had no bouts at night or in the evenings. I can't say that all symptoms have completely disappeared, as I still have some tingling in my leg and foot but I no longer have the constant uncontrollable urge to shift around and jerk my left leg. I figured if the Parkinson's med was supposed to help maybe this would also.
I shopped around on the internet and purchase Nutiva in 1 gallon plastic bucket. I cook and bake with it, put it in smoothies, add it to hot cereal, and even put a teaspoon in my hot chocolate when I enjoy that. It doesn't leave an oily slick feeling in your mouth so theoretically you could take a tablespoon or so of it without the nasty feeling that you would have if you did that with vegetable oil. There are big differences in price out there so shop around.
Ann in TN

Last edited by ncredbird; 03-07-2012 at 03:36 PM.
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