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Old 03-09-2012, 04:20 AM
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These are the questions we need to find the answers to. I'm doing my own research too, but some of these are really ones that we need to ask a native. Thanks for the help!! Sorry for the double post!

1. Who are the country’s most important national heroes and heroines? Who are the most widelyadmired public figures today?
2. What languages are spoken? What are the political and social implications of language usage?
3. What is the predominant religion? Is it a state religion? How long has the dominant religion been a
force? To what extent does the religion continue to play an important role in the political and social
life of the average citizen?
4. What are the most important religious observances and ceremonies? How regularly do people
participate in them?
5. How do members of the predominant religion feel about other religions?
6. What are some of the prevailing attitudes toward divorce? Toward extramarital relations? Toward
7. What is the attitude toward drinking?
8. Is the price asked for merchandise fixed or are customers expected to bargain? How is the bargaining
9. If, as a customer, you touch or handle merchandise for sale (including such things as fruit or linen
tablecloths), will the seller in the store or market think you are knowledgeable, inconsiderate, within
your rights, completely outside your rights? Other?
10. How do people organize their daily activities? What is the normal meal schedule? Is there a daytime
rest period? What is the customary time for visiting friends?
11. How long do people talk when they use the telephone? Do friends call each other frequently to chat?
How do people feel about having other people make long-distance (overseas) calls or using a
computer from their private homes?
12. What foods are popular and how are they prepared?
13. What things are taboo in this society?
14. What is the usual dress for women? for men? Are slacks or shorts worn? If so, on what occasions?
Do teenagers wear jeans? 29
15. What are the special privileges of age and/or sex?
16. If you are invited to dinner, would you arrive early? On time? If late, how late?
17. On what occasions would you present (or accept) gifts to (from) people in the country? What kinds
of gifts would you exchange?
18. Do some flowers have a particular significance?
19. How do people greet one another? Shake hands? Embrace or kiss? What do they say when they
greet or leave each other?
20. What are the favorite leisure and recreational activities of adults? Teenagers?
21. What sports are popular?
22. What kinds of television programs are shown? What social purposes do they serve?
23. What is the normal work schedule?
24. What kind of local public transportation is available? Do all classes of people use it?
25. Who has the right of way in traffic? Vehicles? Pedestrians?
26. Is military training compulsory?
27. Are the largest circulation newspapers generally friendly in their attitude towards the U.S.?
28. What is the history of the relationship between this country and the United States?
29. Are there American expatriates living in the country?
30. Is education free? Compulsory?
31. Where are the important universities of the country? If university education is sought abroad, to
what countries and universities do students go?
32. What is expected etiquette in social and business settings in the host country?
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