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Old 08-29-2009, 07:42 PM
Jim's Gem
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Camarillo, California
Posts: 35,242

A pattern for a pretty sling. I have shoulder issues and it does not like to just hang when I am walking or standing. I do ok at work or on the computer or sewing machine( for the most part) cause I rest my forearms on the desks.
However It hurts like crazy to just say... walk around the fair or stand around and talk etc. I know I can buy (and I have an ugly one) a sling, but I want something pretty that won't look so.....boring, so..... medical.
I am going to have surgery, probably around the beginning of November, so there will be a couple of month of no sewing :cry: :cry: :cry: It will even be hard to be on here, since it is my right arm and I am so very right handed.
Anyway, I would like to make myself a pretty one, maybe quilted patchwork, no tie at the neck but maybe velcro or D rings or something. It needs to be easy to slip my arm out of cause until I have surgery I can still use the arm, just need to support it. Any ideas anyone? Any really creative people who can design a general good shape. I am a big girl, so that has to be figured in some.
Thanks everyone!!!
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