Thread: Machine woes
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Old 03-09-2012, 09:18 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Oklahoma City, OK
Posts: 354

I agree with Stitchnripper, I have bought 3 brothers over the last 12 years and they all have been rode hard and all still work. They do take a beating, even though they are all from Wal-Mart and ranged from $70 - $200 each. I am very pleased with my experience with "low-end" machines and wouldn't pay for something more expensive when these work fine. I do buy a newer one when I see a feature I want to have, but still use the piddly "cheap-o" one to this day. I have a hole cut in my table that fits all 3 so it's easy to just swap one out for a different one. My newest one is the SQ-9000 and I wouldn't trade it for the world! I did have to do major cleaning on it tonight as it started acting wonky but that was due to an operator error... not cleaning it out sooner. Oops!
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