Thread: Machine woes
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Old 03-11-2012, 06:58 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 212

I just went through this same scenario a couple of months ago. My Janome had to go to the hospital and I sew EVERY chance I get, but had no back-up machine. Called my dealer, the least inexpensive machine that she had at the time was $400.00. That was more than the mental slush fund balance in my checking account, so I took off to WalMart to purchase a machine for just under $200, despite all the chatter that I keep hearing about the box store machines being made cheaply, etc.

The Brother doesn't have the straightest stitch in the world. It kicks one stitch sideways about every fifth stitch. It is just a little bobble, but a bobble none-the-less. And I HATE the 1/4-inch foot. Just a matter of getting used to it, I'm sure.

The Brother does a good job of applique stitching. But the real kicker is that I have discovered that this machine is a HOSS at free-motion quilting. Maybe it is just beginner's luck or I haven't set something up quite correctly and had a serendipitious accident, but WOW! I can Stipple now!

When my Janome came back home, it was pure pleasure to sew on her again - it's amazing how quickly we forget how quietly and smoothly a machine runs if we aren't using it.

So I guess that if I had to go through this process again, I would buy a back-up machine with very similar qualities as my go-to machine rather than buying based on price, even though there are some things that this little Brother does quite well. As much as we love the finished products that are produced from our sewing, it's the process itself that we really enjoy. So do it on a machine that you truly enjoy using!

Last edited by beadywoman; 03-11-2012 at 07:01 AM.
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