Thread: marking chalk?
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Old 03-12-2012, 06:52 PM
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Enid, OK
Posts: 8,273

Originally Posted by Lori S
Not a fan of the blue pounce , if you iron at all while the blue is on the fabric , it may never come out... Just a heads up . I found out the hard way. Now I am much more careful.
Love the stencils , and have had good luck with them. I found both "chalks" to have less "stay power" with starched fabrics. Note you do have to prime them , by pouncing several times to work the chalk into the pad.
the directions say that the blue can NOT be ironed, it has to be washed out! Everyone was asking the demo lady that same question over and over...she said that is their #1 question when people call asking why they can't get the blue out of their white fabric! She said, if you iron it, instead of washing it, then you have to soak it in vinegar over night and then wash and that should remove it all!
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