Thread: Really Scary
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Old 03-16-2012, 10:51 AM
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Location: Yukon Territory, Canada
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My QS owner tells me I'm the exception to the rule. I picked it up quite easily but I think I just wasn't scared and hadn't learned yet what is supposed to be hard. When I started quilting about 3 years ago my girls had American Girl dolls and so did their friends. So I made doll quilts for everyone. My second doll quilt I started meandering. It was a big enough quilt to move around easily but small enough that it wasn't heavy ad overwhelming. I've doodled all my life though (all my school books are covered with scrolls and vines) so my brain already had it memorized. That's the big thing, you need to train your brain, you know how you can type without looking? or you can type certain words or sentences without thinking about it? That's because you've done it often enough you don't need to consciously tell your fingers what to do.
So start doodling, over and over. Then make yourself up a quilt sandwich, backing, batting and a fabric for the top that is at least 14 inches square and just play. if you have a doll quilt sized piece ready, make a doll quilt! There are cold dolls everywhere, trust me, they need quilts.

have fun!
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