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Old 03-18-2012, 06:07 AM
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Yup you got it Once I know how many groups I have I try to figure out something to call each group so the members know where they are. Since we had four groups this time I went with something that has four...the four elements
I feel a little better today. The spot only hurts when I sit a certain way or lay on my back. My husband thinks maybe a pulled muscle...I am not too sure. I have had pulled muscles and this pain doesn't feel that way. If it continues I will go to the doctor and have them check it out to be safe. I thank you all for the well wishes and hugs and offers of help. You are truly the best!
And on that note I am going to put a load of laundry in and start sewing on some blocks woooohooo (after I cut and package my fabric that is lol)
Have a fabulous day everyone!
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