Thread: RAK Thank You!
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Old 03-18-2012, 09:53 AM
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Colorado
Posts: 3,536

I still have not used mine yet (pout), its hard for me to
get hubs to go to out to eat since he hates going out.

I told him last week that if he didn't get off his lazy butt
to go with me that I would find someone else to go enjoy
a meal with. No reply from on that (yet).

Maybe I will take my now OUT OF THE HOUSE daughter
to eat since she will be on a tight budget now and not able
to afford eating out., Only thing is will be finding time for
her since she seems to be working all the time now (she
will have to work for 13-14 days without a day off).

But I DO plan to get it used SOON as I am excited to see
how their food is.

Originally Posted by Havplenty View Post
one of my rak recipients let me know that she got to use her dinner certificate and enjoyed the restaurant. i do hope that the other recipients will have an opportunity to use theirs also and have a great meal.

i am working on other raks to send out soon. gotta make some notes on my list of what everyone collects, wants, likes by going back through the posts since this info may not be on the list now. plus i am gathering leftover conference do-dads together to send out. phew! it's called spring cleaning for a reason.
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