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Old 03-19-2012, 07:48 AM
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Default long arm sit down vs stand up

OK - So now I'm really confused. I test drove a Tin Lizzie 18" this weekend and thought I wanted a sit down machine.
They had a fantastic sale on stand up machines so I looked at those as well. I know that for the difference in price I'm getting a much better deal with the stand up but I'm wondering how easy it is to do stitches like SID or echo with a long arm stand-up vs. and sitdown. I know there is a learning curve moving the machine instead of the fabric but I don't know about having enough control to use the stand up for SID. I'd hate to have to use my Babylock for those type of quilitng stitches and not be able to use the long arm. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I have a birthday coming up in a few weeks and need to start dropping some hints. Thanks for your suggestions.
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