Old 03-20-2012, 06:16 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 523

Originally Posted by Havplenty View Post
i had a booth at a flea market today and i am sure glad i packed just enough stuff so that i could get in and out without much hassle. didnt sale much today but i sure did make two new friends. little did i know that one of the ladies was the sister of a guy that i worked under and succeeded as president of my professional organization. it's a small world after all.

i am a "stander" (i rarely sit down) when i go to these events because i like to greet and talk to people. it's the saleswomanship in me. once home i tried to nap because my whole body was aching and then this whole overstimulated nerve issue i am dealing with flared up which triggered my migraines so sleep has eluded me. now i am up from my restless nap with a raging right side migraine and this new right side nerve pain debating do i take meds and count this whole day over or endure for a minute to stay up and get some things done. i knew i should have stopped and gotten some amarula today to go with the packets of hot chocolate i have been receiving. what to do, what to do. i need to be walking ready tomorrow to go to the quilt show that's here. that amarula doesnt sound too bad.
Havplenty, I hope by this time you are feeling MUCH better. Have been in your shoes, and have learned to treasure pain free or pain "managed" days when they come. Hope you find some answers so you can feel better long term. M
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