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Old 03-20-2012, 12:52 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Rough and Ready, CA
Posts: 144

Originally Posted by karate lady View Post when looking for pirate stuff, do you just put in Pirate fabric? I find that works better than browsing the different sites. You will get lots of sites that have what you want. I had to do that with sea
I do usually do that and it almost always works, but with the pirate fabric I was able to find only a few things (and I even searched Google Shopping and Google Images). I think the problem is that the pirate thing was kind of a fad that peaked about a year ago, and a lot of the manufacturers that were making pirate fabric have discontinued it, so that now you can only find it in the smaller shops and a lot of them tend to not be very well indexed by the search engines.

Someone here just led me to, though, and they have LOADS of pirate stuff. I could make three or four quilts out of what they have to offer and they'd all be really unique. So it's great to have a list of those smaller sites just in case the search engines aren't taking me to where I need to go!
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