Thread: Sewing classes
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Old 03-21-2012, 07:45 AM
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Recently we had one of our schools assign making quilting blocks for their math class. What better way to learn with such a hands on project! From what I heard, the kids enjoyed the project. If they incorporated these things into school in new ways - such as sewing or woodworking - for reuse/recycle projects, the students would probably get a lot more out of it. I have been out of high school over 35 years, but when I was there, we had Home Economics (sewing was just a small part - we made a simple skirt since I attended an all girls school) but so much more was covered, cooking, parenting, etc. I would like to see these classes return but extremely updated with what our kids will face in keeping a household nowadays. It certainly should be available for all students and made to be an integral part of learning, not just a "freebie class". I am really dating myself, but 35 years ago, the thought process was all boys went to college and it was an option for the girls. Shortly after I graduated, things drastically changed and more and more girls were advised to go to college and that is a wonderful thing for me to have witnessed happening.

Getting back to the original topic - sewing classes - check out the local fabric/craft stores in your areas. Hancocks offers beginning sewing for all ages in my area.
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