Old 03-26-2012, 04:03 AM
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Originally Posted by JeanieG View Post
Oh those are great QuiltE. We stopped by a strawberry stand yesterday to get some strawberries. I fixed homemade shortcake to go with them. Yummy! In our area there are acres of strawberries, and in the last few year acres of raspberries. They put large plastic domes over the raspberry plants.
Thanks JeanieG ... now to get caught up on the ones that are missing. This morning I'm taking my FWS to the LAQ!!! Yeah!

Fresh berries are the best, and it doesn't matter what kind to me! And with "real" shortcake, even better!!!
Our strawberrries come in season in June. Then raspberries and blueberries are right after. A few blackberries, but not seen too often.
So delicious and I eat them morning, noon and night when I can get locally grown ones!
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