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Old 03-27-2012, 03:45 AM
Oistin's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Posts: 98

If I have to sit around thinking about every germ that comes out , I would be floating around in mid air like angels and not touching everything. If I had to listen to every study that comes out from Harvard and other places , I wouldn't eat anything. Just eat in moderation. My philosophy in life is " A little bit of germ is good for the immune systems." Just wash your hands. I was at a hotel this weekend . I didn't lick the comforter or the remote LOL . I have been working with elementary kids for 34 years and have yet to be laid up or take extended sick here is a place where germs are hanging around . Enjoy life and take the usual precautions but don't over do it.
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