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Old 03-28-2012, 03:24 PM
colores's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Calgary Canada
Posts: 48
Lightbulb 2 me a scant 1/4" is possible and oh so accurate,

I totally understand everyone's point of view. Any intricate piecing project has to be 100% accurate just like a house builder has to cut his boards perfectly. Enough or almost won't work, that is simple physics. The love of piecing is an art form and those who are okay with how their blocks turn out is how it should be.
I enter several quilts for judging which means numerous hours on the machine. I was given a seam guide many years ago and swear by it. It is called "The Tacky Seam Guide". It is repositionable and made for her mother who was blind. I love it because it is at least twice as long as the magnetic one, I can put it on my machines that are all plastic whether or not it is a top loading bobbin. My fabric rides along the side of it and I am not having to constantly stare at a mark, needle or make sure the fabric isn't sliding around the 1/4" foot. I use different feet with it and I do not have to move my needle position since many times when I turn off and on my sewing machine, I do not remember what position I had the needle in. The seam guide is thin enough I can leave it on the machine if I want to sew or piece/quilt something else. Oh, I can also remove it as it is re-position-able and the front of it is cut out to go around and in front of the widest presser foot. I love it. If I could figure how to put a picture on here I would show it to you. Everything isn't for everyone, but with this one I can sit back and sew like crazy with just the feel of my hand on the fabric an seam guide. Pretty cool. If anyone can tell me how post pictures i'd be happy to share.
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