Old 03-30-2012, 09:51 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Montana
Posts: 174

Again, great job on the weight loss issue. I am one of those yo-yo people. Lost almost 55 lbs 8 years ago and swore I would never be heavy again. Moved to Montana (which I LOVE) and gained it almost all back. In the last year I have lost 20 back off and I credit quilting as part of my weight loss program. I cannot eat and handle my wonderful fabric at the same time although I do keep something sugar free to drink on my desk near where I am working.

Another thought about the organization. I also have acquired quite a stash over the last couple of years. What I have started doing with part is to get one of those BIG (2 1/2 gallon) zip lock bags and make up kits. I put in the pattern or magizine that I want to copy, and all of the fabic I need already cut up with a note that I still need the border or whatever (because I do not have it in my stash at this time or want to pick it out after the center of the fabric is done) I include the backing if I have it and a note of who I wanted to make it for if I have decided. These then take up less room and are ready to grab if I want to take a project on a trip with me.

I am a very lucky lady indeed as I have a great husband who is very supportive. He goes as far as planning quilt stores into our trips even though he has found out the extent of my stash. He built me a custom table for my sewing machine I use for peicing that is able to be folded down to take on trips.
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