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Old 09-04-2009, 06:15 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2008
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Originally Posted by saravincent
My goal is to keep on using it, even if all I get done are the quilt tops. If (when?) I die, my kids will marvel at how productive I have been, and get them quilted in my memory (ha ha). But if (when) I die and they see tubs of scraps, they will wonder at my sanity. SO. . . I keep on sewing, buying only enough to finish projects. I have sewn 6 quilts so far this year, but only completed 2 of them (which were both given away). I WANT to outlive my stash!!
You might consider doing what I read about in a novel.......

Every quilt top you make, or pieces you put together for a quilt, sort out separately. Put each "quilt" in a shoebox of its own and label it with the name of someone. Then, if anything happens, everyone will think you were in the process of making them something special; everyone will get a box of something from you; and everyone will be somewhat obligated to complete the project.

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