Old 04-03-2012, 08:32 AM
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meanmom, when I was on the workplace wellness committee for the entire school system, we arranged for health exams for the staff. When the nurse wrote down I was obese at 5' 8" and 170 pounds, I choked. I knew I was overweight, but the next word bothered me. She explained she had measured more of my bones than usual and because I was definitely small boned, I was obese. I have lost 2 1/2" in height to osteoporosis, so, no, 146 isn't too small a weight. When my ribbon on the fridge fits, then I will be at the right weight. I'm thinking 138. That was a perfect weight when I was taller and I'll give myself a little leeway for old age. If I lose more, I may get wrinkly. The ribbon is half my height (32 1/2") - a far cry from the 21" waist I had as a teenager and a young mother. When my weight crept up to 201, it was a wake up. I got down to 165 okay, but it's been tough going since then. The funny part is I had to fight to keep my weight up to 120 most of my life, but nothing in life is constant except change, so what is, is.

alikat, chomium picolate helps stabilize blood sugar, too. That one is a win-win.

Nanci, I envy you your pool as long as you have someone to do the maintenence. It can be a lot of work. I can't go in one unless it is cleaned by oxygen. I'm allergic to both choline and bromine which was hard to take because I was addicted to aqua aerobics in the late 80s. Now I'd have to wear pantyhose with my bathing suit, LOL.

Jean, do you have a class or do you do your own aqua aerobics? I still miss it. I agree low carb is the way to go for anyone with sugar problems. Having celiac disease helps. I won't spend the money for gluten free baked products and I can choose when to make my own. My trouble comes with choosing how much to eat when I do make something. I can portion and freeze anything except blonde brownies.

Fibromyalgia is a sneaky, insidious disease. I was diagnosed in 1983. Lupus in 1977, RA in 1964, etc, etc. I have managed by taking supplements, not meds, though last year I did add Lyrica when I developed nerve damage in my back and left foot. It has helped a little with the fibro to the point where I may try to increase the dose, though the small amount I'm on made me dizzy for a long time. I still haven't ridden my bike for that reason. A stationary bike is good exercise if you can stand the lack of scenery change - I can't, so I gave away my Schwinn Airdyne that I used for part of my PT after my foot surgeries.

MJ (Purplemen) says to not have a plan is to plan to fail. My plan for today is because it's Tuesday and my oldest daughter and I go to dinner, I will have a light brunch, a healthy dinner (well, the one I'm thinking of has cheese on top so that's debatable) and a hot chocolate for night snack. Some fruit in there somewhere.

My other plan is to clean up some of my quilting mess because my tutoree has switched to Tuesday, so I'll catch you later. I have to hide the red quilt because it's for that daughter (I have four).

I AM losing weight and getting healthier.

Last edited by irishrose; 04-03-2012 at 08:38 AM.
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