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Old 04-05-2012, 07:34 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2011
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Originally Posted by EllieGirl View Post
I retired last May, so almost a year. My mother, who never believed in naps and was like a drill sergeant when we were growing up, is constantly asking me what I am doing to keep myself busy so I don't get bored. She is 96, lives in assisted living home, and I'm sure gets bored a lot.

So far, I have loved retirement! I try to do a little house cleaning each day, quilt/embroider/sew, read, exercise, and of course the necessary errands. I have a sister who was laid off almost two years ago and can't find a job, so it's like she's retired. She gets bored and wants to find some kind of the house.

Does anyone ever get bored?
If I haven't planned my week well and do too many solitary activities so that I end up spending more than two days at home alone, I may think I suddenly feel bored when really it's a feeling of isolation. Most days along with quilting, painting, reading, using the computer, I also go to a class, or meet a friend to go to lunch or dinner and a museum or gallery or browsing shops we like. And yes, I do also force myself to clean and shop for food. Haven't figured out yet how to get those activities to happen while I'm doing the things I really enjoy.
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