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Old 04-06-2012, 08:55 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Myrtle Beach, SC
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My Mom went to her grave thinking she was dumb because her parents wouldn't let her and her older sister go to high school, but let her other sisters go! She was 2nd oldest and they lived on a farm and her parents needed her to help out at home. She left home at 15 and made her way in the world.

She helped me with college, but then seemed to resent anything I said to her, and would often follow a comment with, "You think you're so smart!". It was hard for me to talk with her because if she didn't like what I said, I always got that back in my face. Finally had to say to her that she brought me up to think and helped me get an education, so why did she expect that I would agree with her 100% on everything? That improved things for a long time.

When she was deep in Altzheimer territory, she brought up her resentment about not going to college, and said, she was just as smart as the other girls, and her parents could have afforded to send her, why didn't they? Then she said it always made her feel dumb! My response, and this was honest, was that she was one of the smartest women I know, that she could do many things that I could never hope to do and do them well! Then I listed a number of things she'd done and told her how much I admired her for her achievements. Her response, "You think I'm smart?" She smiled and we dropped the subject.

Don't let the script others programmed into you ruin your life. Write another script, one where you are what you want to be, and follow that script.
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