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Old 04-08-2012, 02:27 AM
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Originally Posted by ckcowl
if you like the green border keep it- if you don't like it then cut it off- it looks as if you have room around the catapiller to cut a square- don't try to line up with edges/frame- find the center of the block and measure from the center to cut your square...and just an FYI---seldom are panals square- they always seem to be a bit (off) because of the printing process--manufacturing- after you use a few of them you get used to (fudging) cutting them to fit your needs
Thanks for your advice. The problem is, the size of the panel itself (without the green borders) is about 19", while instructions say that I should have a 20 1/2" by 20 1/2" square. If I end up with a 18" x 18" square, would it be an issue at all? This is the first time I'm working with panels and hope to get it right.
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